Thursday, February 28, 2008


Here is my bibliography, with as much info as I could get.

Internet Sources:

Nathan Hale, Spy. L.C. Olson (last date published was not found)

Nathan Hale. Wikipedia. 27 February 2008

A Short Biography on Captain Nathan Hale(1755-1776). Timepage. 17 March 1996

Book Sources:

Hakim, Joy. A History of US-From Colonies to Country. New York.
Oxford Printing Press. 2005

Cefrey, Holley. One Life to Lose for my Country-Nathan Hale Becomes an American Hero.
New York. The Rosen Publishing Group. 2004

Libertson, Jody. Nathan Hale-Hero of the American Revolution.
New York. The Rosen Publishing Group Inc. 2004

Primary Sources:

Cefrey, Holley. One Life to Lose for my Country-Nathan Hale Becomes an American Hero.
New York. The Rosen Publishing Group Inc. 2004